Bergen Logistics

What is Picking and Packing?

A distribution center with the latest technology and automated processes is more likely to assure accurate order fulfillment. Fulfilling orders requires picking and packing, and there are a variety of methods. In this post, we’re discussing commonly used picking and packing processes. The Picking Process:  When an order is received, a client sends a pick… Continue reading What is Picking and Packing?

Multichannel Merchant’s Top 3PL Provider of 2021

Bergen Logistics top ranked on Multichannel Merchant’s Top Third Party Logistics Services (Top 3PLs) online searchable database/directory is compiled by Multichannel Merchant’s editors and is for merchants looking for expert third-party ecommerce fulfillment and logistics services providers.

Bergen Logistics: Not your father’s 3PL

Back in 1988, Oldsmobile—remember that brand?—tried to change its image as a manufacturer of stodgy land cruisers favored by old men in hats with a new sleek design and slogan: “This is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile. This is the New Generation Oldsmobile.”